Good Friday Reflection


At his arrest Jesus says, “It is your hour. And the power of darkness.” Today you are invited to hear this familiar story and to understand it as a battle– a battle against the powers of darkness. Often we talk about Jesus’ death and resurrection as being about our personal sins. And it is! But our personal sins are just part of a larger operation. The Power of Darkness refers to the ways in which this world operates. It’s not just the individuals that are the problem. It’s the systems and institutions that maintain power through exploitation, indifference and violence. 

On the cross, Jesus is mocked. “If you’re a king, save yourself.” In their minds, this is the story of a failed king. But what they see as an utter humiliation, we must learn to see as a battle. What they see as weakness, we see as a weapon. Jesus is taking on the Powers of Darkness with the light of love. 

EXTINGUISHING THE CANDLES. The first four represent evidence of the Powers of Darkness battling against Jesus. For example, on the screen you will see this:

That’s the first “Power” represented by the first candle. Allow that candle to continue to burn until this appears on the screen: 

When that appears, then you can go and blow out the candle.

Here, then, is the video: