Our Pastor

Pastor Jo An

How exciting to be joining the Zion UCC congregation. While I have had the privilege of ministry at Zion on a pulpit supply basis - we now start a new chapter in our relationship as I come as your interim pastor for the second time. I am looking forward to getting to know each one on a personal basis as together we live out our call to be disciples of Christ. So I will begin our new relationship by sharing a little about myself with you.

On a personal level:

I have four children, all married with children:

Daniel is a teacher at Penn and lives in Granger;

Matthew is the director of the ABEL Pregnancy Center in Bluefield, WV;

Andrew is employed at Medtronics in Warsaw and lives in Bourbon; and

Mary Gina is a housewife living in rural North Liberty.

I live in Mishawaka and have been in the area since 1984.

My education:

I graduated Bremen High School and received my Bachelors and Masters at IUSB, both degrees earned after my children were born. My seminary studies were at AMBS. I was ordained a UM Diaconal Minister in June 2, 2000. I was licensed to serve St. John UCC, Woodland June 2007 and served there until May 1, 2018. I have served on the Committee on Ministry for several years and participated in the UCC annual conference.

Now you know a little about me but one more important part of my DNA I want you to know, I LOVE the CHURCH. The book of Ecclesiastes tells us that two are better than one...three are better than two, (and so on). So as the church together, no matter where or what our sphere of opportunities are, and building on the years of ministry Zion has lived out, we the people of Zion can make a difference - in our own lives as well as the lives of others. 


Peace and Joy,

Pastor Jo An