About Us

Sunday Worship - Begins at 10 AM

Who We Are

God is Still Speaking is a proclamation, identity and communication ministry of the United Church of Christ.

We spread the message of God’s extravagant welcome, reaching out especially to those who have felt there is no room for them within Christianity and the church – the excluded and alienated, the spiritually homeless, the questioning.

In partnership with other ministries of the United Church of Christ, we are building communities where diverse people join together to worship, grow and dream.

We Are Open & Affirming

We recognize Christ's great mandate for inclusion, celebrate and give thanks for the diversity in which God created us, each in God's image and loved by God. In this spirit, our family of faith declares itself to be Open and Affirming and a Peace with Justice church, welcoming and affirming all people as children of God regardless of marital status, race, cultural heritage, ethnicity, age, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, socioeconomic status, or religious tradition.

We welcome all people seeking a church home into the full life, membership, leadership, and employment of Zion Church.

We celebrate family in all its diverse forms and honor, support, and bless all loving and committed relationships.

We commit ourselves to work diligently to end all oppression and discrimination which afflicts God's people in our society.


Zion Community Church

Open & Affirming // Just Peace

211 South St. Peter St.

South Bend, IN 46617

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