
Zion’s founding families wisely left a faith, probably best expressed in Micah 6:8, “What does the Lord require of you but to do justice, to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?” They also left for future generations, a house of worship whose traditional beauty becomes more apparent and appreciated as time passes. The Greek letters or symbols (the Alpha and Omega) across the front of the altar tell a story, “Christ and His sacrifice is the beginning and the end; Christ and His sacrifice is everything.” On the walls above and behind the wood altar and altar well, are stenciled stylized forms of the same symbols. The original candelabra on the altar used gas for lighting purposes. In 1948, the candelabra were modified to hold the wax type candles now in use. The large Calvary cross, centered on the altar, is reported to have been brought from Germany by Rev. Martin Goffeney when he first came to America. The three steps on which the cross is mounted stand for Faith, Hope and Love.

The paraments are the damask coverings on the altar, pulpit and lectern. The material, from which they are fabricated, feature subtle patterns of Christian symbols which add a special beauty and meaning to each. The color used for Sunday or special worship services usually coincides with the appropriate church color for that particular date.

White- the purest of colors, represents perfection, light, joy and glory.

Red- suggests fire and blood; the fervor of Pentecost, the Holy Spirit; divine fire, love and the blood of Christ and the martyrs.

Green- color of nature and growth, promises life and hope through Christ.

Purple- suggests royal mourning and repentance in the seasons of preparation for the Lord’s birth and crucifixion.

Black- symbolizes total darkness and death.